Miniatures are a useful hobby

Every young child seems to have one favorite security item. For some children it’s a blanket, for others it’s a stuffed animal, and for my daughter it’s a very old wooden bus. This bus has been handed down through at least two generations and it didn’t take well to the rough treatment it received at a toddler’s hands.  She was stuffing crayons into the top to take a ride when the front roof broke apart into two pieces. I had just learned how to pin miniatures while working on Plague 1st Gen and decided to try repairing it using the same technique. You can’t actually see those pins, they’re all internal. But a couple of days later the other side of the roof started to fragment so I secured using the pin you can see here. I’ve also been coating the bus in polyurethane to shore it up – my Dad laughed at me when I noted this but wood really soaks it up unlike plastic or pewter.

A wooden bus toy repaired with the pinning technique

The point is I ended up being a household hero because of things I learned while working on miniatures. It was a simple fix but, hey, it just proves that this is a great hobby because I would have had clue previously.

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