The Chrono Bolt group defeat the Grimslang and make their way across the makeshift bridge. Shortly they come to a hut with an unexpected owner.

After the defeat of Grimslang, the other denizens of the swamp give the group wide berth. They cross the bridge and come to a makeshift hut. Sitting there with a large feral looking canine at it’s side is some kind of…Dinoman?”
What are they? Some kind of ape?” The creature wonders aloud, “Never saw apes wearing clothing like that before… And, dino, they just gave Grimslang such a beating that it’s grandkids felt it.”
The reptilian stares at them for another moment, then says slowly with exaggerated pronunciation, “Uh, you apes know how talk?” It tentatively touches a claw to it’s chest, “Me Mokele, you….?”
Mokele the Reptite in 65,000,500 BC