Summon techniques change the battlefield by calling allies, creating obstacles, and generating environmental effects.
Follow the steps below to build a new summon technique. To do this, you will need to know your character’s Innate Element and your character level.
Summon Technique Definitions
First, let’s define the common pieces of a Summon technique.
- Element: The element determines the characteristics of the summoned effect.
- Effect Type: What does this technique do?
- Target: The target of the technique. The default is 1 square.
- Range: The space where the technique manifests – the point of origin. At 0 squares the technique’s origin is on the user!
- Power: This determines the ‘power’ of the technique.
- Action: How many actions does it take to use these technique?
Base Summon Technique
Start with the base restore technique information and adjust the details step by step.
Element ?, Effect Type ?, Target 1 Square, Range 2, Power 1, Action ?
Base Summon Technique
Step 1: Select Effect Type
This determines what effect the summon technique will have. The initial Target and Range are set by the Effect Type selected.
- Summon Ally: This calls an ally to the battle field. Range set to 1. Power determines the duration of the summon. By default, a character may have only one summoned ally at a time who is limited to 1 action per turn, mediocre stats, and has no weapon.
- Create Obstacle: This creates an obstacle on the map. Target set to 1 short line. Range set to 4. Power determines obstacle’s HP, Stamina, and Mental Defence. Obstacles are permanent until destroyed.
- Alter Environment: This alters the terrain or environment. Target set to small radius. Range set to 4. Power determines duration of alteration. By default, this makes minor changes based on Element.
Alter Environment Minor Effects
- Blue freezes liquids, puts out fires, and cools lava.
- Red sets combustibles on fire (damaging terrain).
- Green creates strong wind (directional terrain).
- Yellow electrifies terrain (damaging terrain).
- Black changes the elemental field to Black.
- White (White) changes the elemental field to White (White).
- None/Physical creates Difficult Terrain.
Step 2: Select three 1st Tier qualities
Select qualities is what makes a technique unique. Certain qualities are locked to an Effect Type, this is designated by the Effect Type being noted in Parenthesis.
- +1 Power: Increase Power +1. This quality can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Power +1 (up to a total of +3).
- +1 Range: This can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Range +1 (up to a total of +3).
- Barbed Barrier(Create Obstacle): Any creature attempting to Climb the barrier takes moderate damage.
- Slick Barrier(Create Obstacle): The barrier cannot be Climbed.
- Improved Ally (Summon Ally): All of the summoned ally’s stats improve one step (mediocre to average, average to good, etc).
After selecting three 1st Tier Qualities, increase Action to 1 and the technique could be complete. At this point you can jump to Final Steps or proceed to Step 3: Select three 2nd Tier Qualities if you meet the level requirement.
Step 3: Select three 2nd Tier qualities
The level requirement for adding 2nd Tier Qualities to Summon techniques is Level 8. A technique with 2nd Tier Qualities will require 2 Actions to use.
- +2 Power: Increase Power +2. This quality can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Power +2 (up to a total of +6).
- +2 Range: This can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Range +2 (up to a total of +6).
- +1 Action (Summon Ally): The Summoned Ally may take one additional action per round (1 to 2).
- Mobile Barrier(Create Obstacle): When adjacent to the barrier, the technique user can move the barrier as a Move action. The barrier cannot move into occupied squares.
- Trapped Barrier(Create Obstacle): The barrier is equipped with a trap that triggers as an automatic Strike against one adjacent enemy per turn.
- Embrasure Barrier(Create Obstacle): One side of the barrier, determined at creation, has embrasures that give adjacent units line of sight and the ability to make Ranged Strikes.
- Ally Swarm(Summon Ally): This technique summons two allies. All of the summoned ally’s stats worsen one step (from mediocre to weak). This can be taken multiple times, each time it adds one more ally and worsens stats one step (up to a total of +3 allies and terrible stats).
- Large Ally (Summon Ally): This technique summons an ally that is four squares large. This also increases Stamina and HP, but lowers Evasion.
- Equip Ally (Summon Ally): The summoned ally comes with a weapon. Select from the Weapon list.
- Harmful Terrain(Alter Environment): The area affected by Alter Environment is considered damaging terrain that deals damage of it’s Element. This can be taken multiple times, each time it increases the degree of damage dealt (from mild to extreme).
- Difficult Terrain(Alter Environment): The area affected by Alter Environment is considered difficult terrain that slows movement (2:1).
- Increase Radius (Alter Environment): The target size increases to a large radius of squares out from point of origin (determined by Range).
- Leap: The user jumps high into the air while using this technique. Increase Range +1. Ignore nearby obstacles for Line of Sight when using this technique. (Special: A user with the Jump trait can add Leap to a technique for free. It does not count against their three 2nd Tier Qualities).
- Hover Ally (Summon Ally): This grants the summoned ally the ability to hover and ignore terrain effects (but not elevation) while moving and standing still.
- Shield Master (Summon Ally): The summoned ally gains the ability to use the Shield react to protect the technique user. This does not require a react but must meet all other requirements. The summoned ally can only protect the technique user, not other allies.
- Elemental Summon (Summon Ally): The Ally can only be summoned on a square with a Field Effect of the same color. Improve Ally stats one step (average to good, good to great, etc). Add one effect based on the user’s Innate Element. See below.
- Blue: Summoned Ally can move normally in liquid.
- Red: Summoned Ally nullifies Red damage.
- Green: Summoned Ally Move +2.
- Yellow: Summoned Ally is immune to negative Status Effects.
- Black: Summoned Ally heals 25% of damage dealt.
- White (White): Summoned Ally Mental Def +10.
- None/Physical: Power +2.
After selecting three 2nd Tier Qualities, increase Action to 2 and the technique is complete. At this point you can jump to Final Steps or proceed to Step 4: Select three 3rd Tier Qualities if you meet the level requirement.
Step 4: Select three 3rd Tier qualities
The level requirement for adding 3rd Tier Qualities to Utility techniques is Level 24. A technique with 3rd Tier Qualities will require 3 Actions to use.
- +2 Power: Increase Power +2. This quality can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Power +2 (up to a total of +6).
- +2 Range: This can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Range +2 (up to a total of +6).
- +1 Action (Summon Ally): The Summoned Ally may take one additional action per round (1 to 2 or 2 to 3).
- Crushing Barrier(Create Obstacle): This requires Mobile Barrier. When the barrier is moved it now pushes enemies of your size back. Enemies pushed back in this way take damage.
- Sturdy Barrier(Create Obstacle): Increase Power +4. This quality can be taken multiple times, each time it increases Power +4 (up to a total of +12).
- Revive Master (Summon Ally): The summoned ally gains the ability to revive the technique user from KOed if within Range. This also restores HP by 5HP per Power.
- Greater Ally (Summon Ally): All of the summoned ally’s stats improve one step (from mediocre to average, average to good, etc).
- Giant Ally (Summon Ally): This requires Large Ally. This technique summons an ally that is sixteen squares large. This greatly increases Stamina and HP, but greatly lowers Evasion.
- Terrain Lure(Alter Environment): The area affected by Alter Environment lures all beings of the specified type to it that are within Range. The probability of an enemy resisting the lure is determined by Technique Power compared to Enemy Mental Defense. Select from below:
- Dinosaur: Includes Dinosaurs and Reptites.
- Magic Being: Includes Spirits and Dream Creatures.
- Fiends/Mystics: Includes goblins, fiends, and sprites.
- Machines: Includes Robots, Vehicles, and Turrets.
- Humans: Includes humans from all Eras and cultures.
- Undead: Includes corporeal and incorporeal undead.
- Animals: Includes beasts and animalistic monsters.
- Dragons: Includes Dragonians and Dragons.
- Self Destruct(Create Obstacle): The technique user can self destruct the barrier as an Action if they are within Range. All enemies within two squares take Area of Effect damage based on the remaining HP of the barrier (higher HP, higher damage).
Final Steps
Step 5: Is it Magic? If so, select one Magic quality.
The Elemental stat requirement for adding Magical qualities to Restore techniques is 20. If the user has the Magical Aptitude trait and at least 20 Elemental, they can select one magic quality.
- +1 Power: Increase Power +1.
- +1 Range: Increase Range +1.
- Teleport(Summon Ally): The summoned ally gains the ability to ignore terrain effects, environmental effects, and elevation when moving, but not when standing still.
- Revive Master (Summon Ally): The summoned ally gains the ability to revive the technique user from KOed if within Range. This also restores HP by 5HP per Power.
- Elemental Feedback (Create Obstacle): Any units that target the obstacle with a melee Strike take minor elemental damage. See below.
- Blue: Minor blue damage.
- Red: Minor red damage.
- Green: Minor green damage.
- Yellow: Minor yellow damage.
- Black: Minor black damage.
- White (White): Minor white damage.
- None/Physical: Minor Physical damage.
- Selective Barrier(Create Obstacle): The barrier allows allies to pass through freely and only restricts the movement of enemies. Decrease Power -2.
- Terrain Portal(Alter Environment): Allies that end their Turn within the are affected by Alter Environment can teleport to any other area affected by Alter Environment.
- Antimagic Terrain(Alter Environment): The area affected by Alter Environment disrupts magic. Magic techniques cannot be used within it and Magic Beings are under the Slow status effect while within it. Decrease Power -4.
- Repairing Barrier(Create Obstacle): The obstacle recovers to full HP at the end of every turn. Decrease Power -4.
The technique gains the Magic damage type, even if the technique does not deal magic.
Step 6: Send to Game Master to compile
The final step is to send the technique to the Game Master to compile. Don’t forget to include the ‘flavor’ description of what the technique does!