Each character has four equipment slots that determine what Weapon they use, what Armor they wear, what Accessory they carry, and any expendables they have on had. There are also Key Items – literal plot devices – that the players acquire for specific purposes.
Weapon Type
Each character selects a weapon type during character creation. This choice provides a set Might, bonus to certain Primary Stats, and sets their Strike Range.
Melee Weapons
Melee weapons generally have limited range and are designed for combating opponents adjacent to the user. The weapon statistics below do not increase over time but new weapons grant beneficial secondary effects.
Melee weapon accuracy is determined by Hit and damage is determined by Might/Strength. Hit also determines Critical hits.
- Katana: +10 Hit, +5 Might
- Sword: +10 Might, +5 Defense
- Scythe: +15 Hit
- Polearm: +5 Might, +5 Evasion, 2 Square Range
- Axe: +10 Defense, +5 Might
- Hammer: +15 Might
- Whip: +5 Hit, 3 Square Range
Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons are generally long range and designed for combating opponents far from the user. The weapon statistics below do not increase over time but new weapons grant beneficial secondary effects.
Ranged weapon accuracy is determined by Hit and damage is determined by Might/Hit. Hit also determines Critical hits. Ranged weapons are most effective at a distance, they use a different formula when targeting adjacent foes.
- Firearm: +10 Might, 10 Range
- Crossbow: +8 Might, 8 Range
- Longbow: +7 Might, 9 Range
- Sling: +2 Might, 6 Range
- Shuriken: +5 Hit, +2 Might, 4 Range
Hybrid Weapons
Hybrid weapons act as both melee and ranged weapons. The weapon statistics below do not increase over time but new weapons grant beneficial secondary effects.
Each hybrid weapon uses a unique formula to determine accuracy and damage. Hit, Strength, and Might each determine accuracy and damage for hybrid weapons. Hit also determines Critical hits.
- Dagger: +4 Might, 4 Range
- Spear: +6 Might, 4 Range
- Rocket Fist: +10 Might, 4 Range
Armor protects the wearer from harm by providing a Defense score and/or Evasion bonus. The armor statistics below do not increase over time but new armor grants beneficial secondary effects.
- Cloth Armor: +15 Evasion
- Light Armor: +5 Defense, +10 Evasion
- Medium Armor: +10 Defense, +5 Evasion
- Heavy Armor: + 15 Defense
Accessories provide a broad range of beneficial effects. Characters can only select one accessory so they must choose carefully for each situation.
Accessories are sorted into three categories based on availability; Common, Rare, and Legendary.
- Common accessories can be found in villages and towns.
- Rare accessories can sometimes be taken from enemies or found hidden on maps.
- Legendary accessories are one of a kind and are acquired at great effort.
Common Accessories
Common accessories are broadly available in shops and markets. Some might be hard to find in one time period but easily available in another.
- Headband (Bandana) : Speed +1
- Ribbon : Accuracy +2
- Power Glove : Strength +2
- Guardian Bangle (Defender) : Stamina +2
- Magic Scarf : Elemental +2
- Acuity Ring (Hit Ring) : Accuracy +10
- Power Ring : Strength +6
- Magic Ring : Elemental +6
- Barrier Ring (Wall Ring) : Elemental Defense +10
- Green Dream : Auto-Raise
- Power Scarf : Strength +4
- Speed Belt : Speed +2
- Muscle Ring : Stamina +6
Rare Accessories
Rare accessories are difficult to obtain. They can sometimes be found hidden on battle maps or on certain enemies. Alternatively, powerful artisans might be able to craft them from rare materials.
- Silver Earring : Max HP +25%
- Golden Earring : Max HP +50%
- Silver Stud : When using a multiple Action Technique, replace an Action with a React.
- Golden Stud (Gold Stud) : When using a multiple Action Technique, replace up to two Action with Reacts.
- Alluring Top (Charm Top) : Charm rate increased
- Rage Band : Counter React counters two attacks.
- Wrath Band (Frenzy Band) : Counter React counters all attacks until next Turn.
- Third Eye : Doubles Evasion
- Berserker Ring (Berserker) : Can only use Attack action, Auto-Protect
- Flea Bustier (Flea Vest) : Elemental Defense +12
- Magic Crest (Magic Seal) : Elemental +5, Elemental Defense +5
- Power Crest (Power Seal) : Strength +10, Stamina +10
- Sunglasses (Sun Shades) : Damage boost
- Prism Spectacles (Prism Specs) : Major damage boost
Legendary Accessories
Legendary accessories are one of a kind artifacts. They can only be acquired at great effort.
- Schala’s Amulet (Amulet) : Status immunity
- Green Dream : Auto-Raise once per Battle
- Black Gemstone (Black Rock) : Enables use of Eternal Darkness
- Blue Gemstone (Blue Rock) : Enables use of Omega Flare
- Silver Gemstone (Silver Rock) : Enables use of Spin Strike
- White Gemstone (White Rock) : Enables use of Poyozo Dance
- Golden Gemstone (Gold Rock) : Enables use of Master Mune
- Hero’s Badge (Hero Medal) : Masamune critical % increased
- Champion’s Badge : Masamune critical % increased, +1 Speed
- Dragon’s Tear : Critical rate increased
- Nu Arcana : May instantly reduce opponent’s HP to 1
- Uranian Mirror : Counters non-light attacks 25% of the time
- Pontic Mirror : Counters non-water attacks 25% of the time
- Promethean Mirror : Counters non-fire attacks 25% of the time
- Hadean Mirror : Counters non-shadow attacks 25% of the time
- Aresian Mirror : Counters non-physical attacks 25% of the time
Unless otherwise stated must be adjacent to use item on another character.
- Potion: Restores 50 HP.
- Mid-Potion: Restores 200 HP.
- Hi-Potion: Restores 500 HP.
- Ether: Restores one Reaction.
- Exilir: Restore all HP and Reactions.
- Panacea: Ends all negative Status Effects.
- Megaexilir: Restore all HP and Reactions for all allies within 5 squares.
- Revive (Athenian Water): Revive character from KOed with 1 HP.
- Lapis: Restore 200 HP to all allies.
- Barrier Sphere: Generates Barrier effect for 4 rounds.
- Shield Sphere: Generates Shield effect for 4 rounds.
- Tabs: These rare one use items raise a specific stat by 1 point.
Key Items
Key Items are literal ‘plot devices’ that serve some purpose to the game’s narrative.
- Chrono Cross: The Legendary 7th Element
- Gate Key: A device capable of stabilizing Gates.
- Ruby Knife: A ruby colored knife carved from dreamstone.
- Smith Spirit: Mysterious scroll that summons a blacksmith’s spirit.
- Time Egg: An egg-life object capable of conjuring miracles.
These are tracked on the Game Master spreadsheet and usually do not need to be equipped in order to be used. There are some that can be equipped in the Expendables slot for some specific use in battle and others that can be equipped for general use as a Weapon, Armor, or Accesory.