The character spreadsheet serves the same function as the character sheet in many other roleplaying systems. It tracks critical information about the character, including advancement and current health.

The player does not need to use the spreadsheet as their primary character sheet but it’s how character advancement should be shared with the Game Master.

The character spreadsheet is accessible to the Game Master, automates many calculations, and is linked to by the Game Master spreadsheet for quick calculations during combat.

This will allow the Game Masters spreadsheet to reference random functions and data directly from the character sheet. This method enables players to go without rolling for their actions. The spreadsheets do most of the work.

The character spreadsheet is, currently, comprised of five tabs.
- Character Profile: This summarizes all of the critical information about the character for quick access.
- Level Up: This tracks stat advancement by level.
- Techniques: The details and math for Techniques are calculated here. The character profile pulls it’s Technique summaries from here.
- Dual/Triple Techniques: The details and math for Dual/Triple Techniques are calculated here. The character profile pulls it’s Dual/Triple Technique summaries from here.
- Standard Actions/Reacts: This is a quick reference for actions and reacts that everyone can take.