Relic Knight Sophia Drake with Female Dress Cap Head

On Black Friday a year ago I was excited to snatch up the Relic Knight Sophia Drake model at a steep discount! Sadly, the quality of the miniature really let me down… The plastic was unyielding and misfit. The weapon and head were smashed. I had similar disappointment with the Sedition Wars miniatures which were also published by CoolMiniOrNot. I can see why Ninja Division parted ways with them in favor of self-publishing. It’s a major disappointment to purchase excellent sculpts from Studio McVey or Ninja Division…only to find them marred by shoddy material. Well, vent over and moving on…

Relic Knight Sophia Drake with Dress Cap painted in earth colors

I managed to salvage the weapon and fit everything together with a bit work. However, the head was beyond salvaging…so I modded on one of Victoria Miniatures’ Female Heads with a Dress Cap. I think I actually prefer the new head over the original.

Relic Knight Sophia Drake with Dress Cap painted in earth colors

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