Lem, Iconic Bard

This is the miniature for one of the player characters in my Celestial Winter campaign. He’s a gnome mystic who lives on the outskirts of Haven and makes a living practicing herbalism. The player requested functional brown as the primary color and it ended up being a lot more dapper than I intended. Also, dark gray hair and sickly flesh. I made the flesh pale but hesitated before going further down the sickly route – not quite sure how to add in that level of detail without botching it. I have a few sittings before the Mystic’s curse sets in to figure it out!

The Lem Iconic Bard miniature from Reaper Bones. The flute has been removed in this photo and a pin inserted in it's place.

This is a Bones miniature so I skipped priming and went straight to base coats. Lighter brown followed by uneven strokes of darker brown on the coat. Golden brown on the jacket and light flesh tones elsewhere. This miniature was meant to be a Halfling Bard so I replaced his flute with a walking staff (a safety pin covered in kneadatite) and gave him shoes (though, as a gnome, the shoes probably should have had curled toes).

The Lem Iconic Bard miniature from Reaper Bones. Viewed from the front.

I used a metallic silver as an undercoat for the hair followed by light coat of granite and a black drybrushing. Per usual, I coated  it with polyurethane and then a spray on matte finish.

The Lem Iconic Bard miniature from Reaper Bones. Viewed from the back.




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