Andre Durant

I decided it was finally time to rally my courage and start practicing on painting eyes. First, I watched Dr. Faust’s How to Paint Miniature Eyes on youtube and then I started painting eyes on half a dozen miniatures. So far I’ve only finished Andre Durant but you can expect more miniatures with painted eyes to come. I plan…


Hasslefree Miniatures‘ Widow reminds me of Samatha Carter from Star Gate SG1. She’s dressed for adventure, is well armed, and has the tech angle covered. Ideally, I should have painted eyes on this miniature but fortunately the sculpt is such that that detail is obscured. I was very pleased with how this paint job turned out and am looking forward…


Hasslefree Miniatures’ Brooke miniature reminds me of River Tam from Firefly/Serenity. She looks ready to leap into action and kick some butt. I was pleased with how this paint job turned out but it was clear that I really should have painted the eyes. I have to get over my hesitation to even try. I’m also not happy with…

Enforcer with Large Biosword

I plan to use the Enforcers from Mantic Entertainment’s Deadzone wargame as miniatures for playable androids in my upcoming Science Fantasy game. I decided to make the next Enforcer a tribute to one of the mechanical characters from Phantasy Star Online. Can you guess which HUcast inspired this? Adding the biosword was the first major modification that I made to a…

X Clone Enforcer

I’m a big Megaman fan so, of course, I had to make one of the Enforcer miniatures that I’m working on into a tribute. I gave this one a pistol, a pouch, and the “Super Arm“. Again, like with the previous Enforcer which I did at the same time, I was surprised and disappointed by how…

Dual Armblade Enforcer

I plan to use the Enforcers from Mantic Entertainment’s Deadzone wargame as miniatures for playable androids in my upcoming Science Fantasy game. My first Enforcer paint job was on the conservative side so, with some consultation from my wife on the coloring, I decided to be slightly more adventurous with my second Enforcer. I did not use a primer…

Dual Pistol Wielding Enforcer

After doing more research than was probably necessary I decided to use the Enforcers from Mantic Entertainment’s Deadzone wargame as miniatures for playable androids in my upcoming Science Fantasy game.  Deadzone uses 30mm Heroic scale miniatures, which are larger than Reaper’s 25mm Heroic scale but not so much that it’s a dealbreaker…especially for android or alien races….

Treasure Pile and Altar of Evil

There’s not much to say about the Treasure Pile and Altar of Evil. They were both from the original Bones Kickstarter and were straightforward to paint.  I almost tried a wash on the Altar of Evil but decided to leave it to the DIP Method. It may not seem like much but having these two very commonly used pieces in color…

Ridley Darkedge

I have been using the Ridley Darkedge miniature from Reaper’s Dark Heaven Legends line for a nonplayer character of some significance in  my current Broken Covenant campaign and I got impatient to paint it for an upcoming scene. It’s a metal miniature so it had to be primed first but the spray on primer again came out clumpy and uneven. This is when…

Khurasan Stikks, First Batch

A goal for my upcoming Science Fantasy game is to have a decent array of custom playable races…easier said than done with miniatures unless the custom races amount to space elves, space goblins, and so on. I think insectoids are interesting but it was challenging to find a supply of quality insectoid miniatures at a…