Storm Giant

As noted, I didn’t have much interest in Giants initially but I’ve come to appreciate them. I have a fun sitting planned for the players in my current Celestial Winter campaign that involves being guests of Giants so…I needed to get some more painted. I acquired the Storm Giant back during Reaper’s first Bones Kickstarter….

Doomsday Dawn – The Lost Star Take 1

The Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest is upon us! As such, I gathered together a motley group of adventurers to tackle Part 1 of the playtest adventure module Doomsday Dawn. The Brother: Dungeons & Dragons diehard who prefers 3.5 and Fifth to Pathfinder. The Rookie: New player whose TTRPG experience is limited to four sessions of…

Bones Pathfinder Goblins

Back in the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter I acquired a collection of Pathfinder Goblins. These include the Goblin Warriors, Goblin Pyros, and Goblin Warchanter. I thought now was time to finally paint them as Paizo is adding Goblins as a core ancestry in Pathfinder Second Edition. I started with a dark red base coat followed…

Halfing Cook

I painted the Halfling Cook from the Third Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I’ve been meaning to get more of my villagers painted and got a few of them in the works. This lucky Halfling just happens to be the first finished. All in all – I’m quite satisfied with the miniature itself (especially that face!!!) but…

Kavorgh Orc Warboss

I’ve been experimenting with the “technique” outlined in Ogre Guard. Kavorgh is one result of that – definitely not as happy with him. Well, sometimes experiments fizzle. Like Starmane. The main problem is that I used orange as the basecoat and it really didn’t come together. Oh well. I think I manage to salvage a serviceable…

Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest – First Play Thoughts

I decided to separate out my playtest feedback from my Pathfinder with Pop post on Snippets. If Pop decides to look back on his past adventures I don’t want that to be bogged down with system feedback. In general, my initial impressions of Pathfinder Second Edition held true. I think this is a fantastic successor to…

Pathfinder with Pop: The Rose Street Revenge – Snippets

Last month I introduced Pop (my Dad) to Tabletop RPGs by running Pathfinder’s Master of the Fallen Fortress for him. It must have been a success because we’re out to visit this weekend and he asked me to run a follow up session. I decided to switch over to the Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest for…

Tiik Warriors

I picked up the Tiik Warriors from Miniature Giant awhile back. I planned to mod them with scifi weapons and use them in Starfinder but the Pathfinder Second Edition playtest has refocused me on fantasy for now! I tried mixing my own sandy paste for the base this time using – drumroll – sand and…

Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest – Initial Review

This will serve as my initial “I read through the rulebook twice” review of the Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest rules. I’ll be offering additional thoughts after running playtest sessions but I want to get some of this out of my head while it’s fresh. The Three Sentence Review The short review is that I love…

Ogre Guard

Back in June Dagger & Brush asked me what my technique was for painting the flesh of my Cave Trolls. I wasn’t sure how to answer at the time – it had been a rushed process of painting sloppy layer over sloppy layer to get those trolls ready for a Pathfinder sitting. I’ve mulling over…