The group journeyed deeper into the western tribe lands searching for the missing Aegnus trading expedition. Mounted on horseback/dogback or riding in the carriage, the group manages to travel about 35 miles a day through the valleys framed by steep mountains. Bridgette does a lot of hunting throughout and supplements their meager rations with plenty…
Category: Tabletop
All about tabletop gaming – primarily roleplaying ala Pathfinder but a bit on other venues.
Pathfinder with Pop: Master of the Forgotten Fortress
My Dad has been showing a lot of interest in Dungeons and Dragons lately so I decided to run a sitting of Pathfinder for him. I’ve never run an adventure module – always homebrew – but I have a few that I’ve picked up for inspiration. I looked through them and there was the Master of…
Celestial Winter – Session Five, Home Again
Finding themselves abruptly returned home, the group quickly split into Lonepine and Haven contingents. Spazzlethrop and Edward hurried back to report what had transpired to the Elders…while Bridgette, Caldus, and Kendra returned to Lonepine to check on their families. The Elders of Haven praised Edward and Spazzlethrop for successfully beseeching Ernhardur to warm the valley….
Celestial Winter – Session Four, A Tainted Land
We went “theater of the mind” for the fourth session with miniatures only bouncing around off the grid sporadically. Leaving a half ruined hamlet behind them, the group set off for the mining town to the south in hopes of finding out more about where they were and why “Old” thought visiting here would prepare…
Celestial Winter – Session Three, “Old”
Passing through the portal the group finds themselves somewhere dark and cold. Only a few distant stars tinkle weakly overhead. A large sway of the sky is completely dark, empty of even faint celestial light. Spazzlethrop lights his lantern illuminating a rocky debris field. The air is cold and dry, there’s no sign of water,…
Celestial Winter – Session Two, Ernhardur’s Sanctum
The second sitting was a bit rough as we were down three of five players. This left Caldus, Bridgette, and Edward on autopilot. The sitting began with the citizens of Lonepine related to the party giving them items to help them on their journey – cookies of cure light wounds, magical fire arrows, potions, and so…
Celestial Winter – Session One, Journey to Lonepine
The harvest season ended only a few short weeks after it begun when a deadly shroud of pure white descended upon the rich fields of the valley. Many of the able bodied folk in the valley have struggled to salvage what can be saved of the now frozen crops and gather fuel to ward off…
Starfinder Second Dry Run
Our last Starfinder Dry Run went great until the group stole a frigate and we slammed straight into a steep learning curve. I really like that Paizo didn’t take the cheap route of making starship combat a scaled up version of the on foot segments but…we really weren’t prepared for it. That’s why round two…
Starfinder First Dry Run
I ordered the Starfinder Core Rulebook over my long break from painting miniatures and have been absolutely won over by it. I’m definitely going to use it for my upcoming Science Fantasy campaign rather than modding Pathfinder… But before creating homebrew content I felt that it was important for me to get a feel for…
Mythic Aboleth Slime
My players have learned to dread the Aboleth more than any other classic Dungeons and Dragons monster. Dominate Monster is always a frightening ability to face but I think it’s the Aboleth’s alien intelligence and ability to transform a character with slime that makes the monster so unnerving. My players have faced Aboleth a few…