Two years ago I ordered a custom miniature from Hero Forge for one of the players in my Broken Covenant campaign. I went with the strong white plastic (not sure it’s even available as a material anymore) and, despite that, it ended up being the most expensive miniature in that scale that I’ve ever purchased. Pricing…
Tag: BrokenCovenant
Mermaid Warrior
Back in 2015, I went looking for a Mermaid miniature for my wife to use in the Broken Covenant campaign. Um. Yeah. It was quite challenging to find a clothed Mermaid miniature…much less one that looked cool… Fortunately Dark Sword Miniatures came to the rescue with their excellent Mermaid Warrior! This was a great sculpt to paint,…
Mythic Aboleth Slime
My players have learned to dread the Aboleth more than any other classic Dungeons and Dragons monster. Dominate Monster is always a frightening ability to face but I think it’s the Aboleth’s alien intelligence and ability to transform a character with slime that makes the monster so unnerving. My players have faced Aboleth a few…
Ridley Darkedge
I have been using the Ridley Darkedge miniature from Reaper’s Dark Heaven Legends line for a nonplayer character of some significance in my current Broken Covenant campaign and I got impatient to paint it for an upcoming scene. It’s a metal miniature so it had to be primed first but the spray on primer again came out clumpy and uneven. This is when…
Painted Skeleton in Play
I finally used one of my painted miniatures in my ongoing Broken Covenant campaign this last Friday. It’s just a skeleton that I had stand in for a lich but I think it added a lot. I also fielded my newly painted treasure chest. It makes me excited for the day when the majority of…