It feels like a lot has happened, both in my personal life and in the world, since my last post a little over a year ago. As I noted I’m now living in another country and at the moment in person tabletop is not an option here. Now that we’re settled and over the initial…
Category: Tabletop
All about tabletop gaming – primarily roleplaying ala Pathfinder but a bit on other venues.
Celestial Winter – Session Sixteen, Fin
In March, I learned that we would be moving to another country. It’s an exciting opportunity but unfortunately it means saying farewell to friends, family, and – until we get settled – tabletop. So, on Saturday, we ended the Pathfinder Celestial Winter campaign. I may run it again one day in the future but that’s…
Celestial Winter – Session Fourteen, Taking Off
After consulting together, the group decided on the following stratagem. Edward and Bridgette would rescue the expedition members held captive throughout Berdent. At the same time, Caldus and Kendra would break in Farbod’s palace and rescue Eibon. Deciding that sneaking in the servant’s entrance didn’t play to their strengths, Kendra and Caldus broke into the…
Celestial Winter – Session Eight, Mephits and Ant Haul
Edward and Bridgette ended their stay with the Giants by leaping off a 1,000 foot tall cliff. Before their fate was revealed, we converted their characters from Pathfinder First Edition to the new Pathfinder Second Edition playtest rules (update 1.2/1.3). One major impact of this change is that the falling damage they faced increased from…
Rise of the Runelords
Three years ago a new to TTRPG player joined my Broken Covenant Pathfinder First Edition campaign. I’m having a proud GM moment as she’s now taken on the mantle of GM and just finished her second session. She’s running a group of four players through Rise of the Runelords. She sent me a photo of…
Tabletop Tokens Camping Set Review
I saw several Game Masters on Twitter share this product so I decided to give it a try. Before I get into my review, let me share some a couple of those tweets so you can see the fun usage they’ve gotten out of these tokens. Alright! So you can see that the above Game…
Celestial Winter – Session Seven, Guests of Giants
At the end of last session, the group surprised me when most of them agreed to hop in a Giantess’ bag and get carried up the mountain. Two characters – Caldus and Kendra – refused this offer and instead started climbing up the mountain themselves. Caldus’ player missed the session so we left him at…
Doomsday Dawn – The Lost Star Take 1
The Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest is upon us! As such, I gathered together a motley group of adventurers to tackle Part 1 of the playtest adventure module Doomsday Dawn. The Brother: Dungeons & Dragons diehard who prefers 3.5 and Fifth to Pathfinder. The Rookie: New player whose TTRPG experience is limited to four sessions of…
Pathfinder with Pop: The Rose Street Revenge – Snippets
Last month I introduced Pop (my Dad) to Tabletop RPGs by running Pathfinder’s Master of the Fallen Fortress for him. It must have been a success because we’re out to visit this weekend and he asked me to run a follow up session. I decided to switch over to the Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest for…
Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest – Initial Review
This will serve as my initial “I read through the rulebook twice” review of the Pathfinder Second Edition Playtest rules. I’ll be offering additional thoughts after running playtest sessions but I want to get some of this out of my head while it’s fresh. The Three Sentence Review The short review is that I love…