The Absalom Initiation

It’s around midnight here. We just finished up our first play session with Fantasy Grounds Unity. This is our third session with this virtual tabletop system and we’re starting to get the hang of it. For this test run, we are working our way through the Pathfinder Society module The Absalom Initiation. It always feels…

Plate Tectonics on the cheap

I’m doing some worldbuilding for a homebrew setting. After deciding on the general concept I decided to use some improvised plate tectonics to build the geography. First I cut up an old city map. The city districts make for semi-random tectonic plates. Next, I pushed the plates a bit. I noted where fault lines might…

Character Creation: Roles

Twelve years ago, I tried out a new form of character creation for a play by post game on the Giant in the Playground forum. The general concept was that players would audition for specific roles in the game. If the audition was successful, the player would then design their character around the role. The…

Celestial Winter – Session Sixteen, Fin

In March, I learned that we would be moving to another country. It’s an exciting opportunity but unfortunately it means saying farewell to friends, family, and – until we get settled – tabletop. So, on Saturday, we ended the Pathfinder Celestial Winter campaign. I may run it again one day in the future but that’s…

Celestial Winter – Session Fourteen, Taking Off

After consulting together, the group decided on the following stratagem. Edward and Bridgette would rescue the expedition members held captive throughout Berdent. At the same time, Caldus and Kendra would break in Farbod’s palace and rescue Eibon. Deciding that sneaking in the servant’s entrance didn’t play to their strengths, Kendra and Caldus broke into the…

Celestial Winter – Session Eight, Mephits and Ant Haul

Edward and Bridgette ended their stay with the Giants by leaping off a 1,000 foot tall cliff. Before their fate was revealed, we converted their characters from Pathfinder First Edition to the new Pathfinder Second Edition playtest rules (update 1.2/1.3). One major impact of this change is that the falling damage they faced increased from…

Rise of the Runelords

Three years ago a new to TTRPG player joined my Broken Covenant Pathfinder First Edition campaign. I’m having a proud GM moment as she’s now taken on the mantle of GM and just finished her second session. She’s running a group of four players through Rise of the Runelords. She sent me a photo of…

Tabletop Tokens Camping Set Review

I saw several Game Masters on Twitter share this product so I decided to give it a try. Before I get into my review, let me share some a couple of those tweets so you can see the fun usage they’ve gotten out of these tokens. Alright! So you can see that the above Game…

Celestial Winter – Session Seven, Guests of Giants

At the end of last session, the group surprised me when most of them agreed to hop in a Giantess’ bag and get carried up the mountain. Two characters – Caldus and Kendra – refused this offer and instead started climbing up the mountain themselves. Caldus’ player missed the session so we left him at…

Storm Giant

As noted, I didn’t have much interest in Giants initially but I’ve come to appreciate them. I have a fun sitting planned for the players in my current Celestial Winter campaign that involves being guests of Giants so…I needed to get some more painted. I acquired the Storm Giant back during Reaper’s first Bones Kickstarter….