Dragonman Warrior

I did a very quick paint job on Reaper Bones’ Dragonman Warrior. I’m planning to give it to one of my younger brothers, who loves playing aggressive draconian types, but I needed to get it into the mail! So I knocked this out in two hours and I kind of wish that I’d given it more time…especially on details like the eyes and sword.

The front of Reaper Bones' Dragonman Warrior miniature painted bronze, red, and black

I used the drybrush techniques that I learned with Plague 1st Gen and I was very, very impressed by the results! But in varnishing most of that wonderful shading vanished. Hopefully it will start to resurface a bit as the varnish fully dries.The backside of Bones' Dragonman Warrior miniature painted bronze, black, and gold

I was disappointed by the fabric… It came out a lot more pink than I wanted. I’ve tried mixing up a more crimson color but I think I’ll have to buy one since it always seems to dry lighter.

Edit: Now that I have a photobox I went back and took another photo of this one.

Dragonman Warrior miniature from Reaper Bones with golden scales, black armor, and red highlights.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. GamerAse says:

    I’ve painted this guy before, he’s a great sculpt. I’m using it as one of the BBEG’s generals in my current campaign, and the first encounter with him left the PCs properly scared.

    I’ve had tons of probems with Red colors before, whch I solved by starting to paint with Reddish-Browns instead. I also had some success in getting a vibrant red color by applying repeated coats of Red Ink, which is heavily pigmented (see attached drake).

    Maybe give one of these methods a try and see if it works for you?


    1. Kaihaku says:

      Thanks, I definitely will! I actually ordered a second miniature of this sculpt because I enjoyed painting it so much (even though it was a rush job). It’s just oozing with potential.

    2. Kaihaku says:

      Thanks, I definitely will! I actually ordered a second miniature of this sculpt because I enjoyed painting it so much (even though it was a rush job). It’s just oozing with potential.

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