Celestial Winter – Session Three, “Old”

Passing through the portal the group finds themselves somewhere dark and cold. Only a few distant stars tinkle weakly overhead. A large sway of the sky is completely dark, empty of even faint celestial light. Spazzlethrop lights his lantern illuminating a rocky debris field. The air is cold and dry, there’s no sign of water,…

Celestial Winter – Session Two, Ernhardur’s Sanctum

The second sitting was a bit rough as we were down three of five players. This left Caldus, Bridgette, and Edward on autopilot. The sitting began with the citizens of Lonepine related to the party giving them items to help them on their journey – cookies of cure light wounds, magical fire arrows, potions, and so…

Cave Trolls

I quickly painted these fellows for use in the next sitting of my Celestial Winter  campaign but I can see them getting used often in future sittings. I’m happy with how the blend of colors turned out on their skin. The base coat was a dark beige which I dry brushed over with “marsh” green. The heavy…

Vordakai, Cyclops Lich

I had been on the look out for a miniature to serve as a specific antagonist for my Celestial Winter campaign and I decided that Vordakai Cyclops Lich more than fit the bill. Now that I can paint my own miniatures I’m trying to field foes that are visually unnerving rather than just straight out threatening. I think…

Aglanda, Herald Of Razmir

I had started painting Aglanda Herald Of Razmir a couple of weeks ago but then got caught up in other projects. I picked it back up last night and went in another direction.  I’m going to use as an specific NPC in my Celestial Winter campaign. Not sure that this unusual coloring will lend the mini to…

Klaus Copperthumb, Dwarf Rogue

This time I converted the Klaus Copperthumb Dwarf Rogue miniature from Reaper Bones to hold a staff instead of a knife. I plan it to use as an NPC in the next Celestial Winter session but I can see it being fielded down the road as a caster or a rogue with high Use Magic Device. The color…

Shadow Demons

I was pleased with how the Shadow Hounds turned out that I decided to try my hand out on the Shadow Demon. The Shadow Demon is made from the same translucent material but is a very different sculpt. I picked up some color shift paint this week so I eagerly dry brushed it over the…

Duke Gerard

This time I painted the Duke Gerard miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I went with colors that would fit a wide array of characters as this seemed like a miniature that could show up as a lot of different NPCs. All in all, it’s a solid sculpt aside from one side of the…


This is a quick one. I painted the Zombie miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I went with flesh tones so that the miniature could be used as a zombie or as a living person in need (e.g. prisoner, refugee, etc). Not much else to say.

Nienna, Female Elf Ranger

In a break from the last several miniatures I didn’t paint this one with a specific character in mind. It was just a fun sculpt that caught my eye. I hope to slowly paint my entire collection of Reaper Bones miniatures. I painted several layers of progressively lighter green and progressively darker brown on this…