Anirion the Wood Elf Wizard is another miniature from Reaper Bones. I painted it to use as an NPC in the next Celestial Winter session but it will definitely see use beyond that. The polyurethane has been darker than usual lately, I think that it’s starting to dry out but it’s still coming out nicely. I finished up with…
Author: Kaihaku
Celestial Winter – Session One, Journey to Lonepine
The harvest season ended only a few short weeks after it begun when a deadly shroud of pure white descended upon the rich fields of the valley. Many of the able bodied folk in the valley have struggled to salvage what can be saved of the now frozen crops and gather fuel to ward off…
Galladon, Male Wizard
This is another fun miniature from Reaper Bones. I painted it for use as an NPC in my Celestial Winter campaign but I could see it being good for any wizardly figure in future games. I was a bit apprehensive that Galladon would end up looking like Santa Claus with maroon as the primary color but fortunately…
Shadow Hounds
I needed some “special” monsters for my players to face in my Celestial Winter campaign so I ordered a set of Shadow Hounds. I have several translucent miniatures but this is the first time that I’ve painted one and it was a learning experience. There are definitely some cool effects that can be done with drybrushing…
Arthrand Nightblade, Elf Ranger
This is the miniature for one of the player characters in my Celestial Winter campaign. He’s a half elf slayer who lives a nomad’s life in the valley drifting from camp to camp following the game. The player requested earthy colors – so I went with a rich green and leathery brown. Not much else…
Ostarzha, Elf Cleric
This is the miniature for one of the player characters in my Celestial Winter campaign. She’s a human hunter who makes a living hunting around Springfed and helping at the family bakery in Lonepine. The player requested earthly greens as the primary color and strawberry blonde hair. Not sure that I quite delivered on the hair. I…
Damiel, Iconic Alchemist
This is the miniature for one of the player characters in my Celestial Winter campaign. He’s a human investigator who lives in Haven and makes a living practicing alchemy. The player requested orange and red as the primary colors! Sounds like an adventurous fellow – just the right sort to take part in an adventure….
Lem, Iconic Bard
This is the miniature for one of the player characters in my Celestial Winter campaign. He’s a gnome mystic who lives on the outskirts of Haven and makes a living practicing herbalism. The player requested functional brown as the primary color and it ended up being a lot more dapper than I intended. Also, dark…
Valana, Forgemaiden Sergeant
This is the miniature for one of the player characters in my Celestial Winter campaign. She’s a Dwarf crafter who moved to the town of Lonepine about forty years ago and has been trying her hand at woodworking. The player requested purple, red, blue, and gold with darker skin and very dark brown hair. This…
Every now and then, there’s a miniature that almost seems to paint itself – like the Werebear, Blightfang was one of those miniatures. I was so immersed in the process that I didn’t take any progress photos – which is a bit of a shame as Blightfang looked so good in gold that I almost stopped…