Deadlands Noir: Femme Fatale

One of the first miniatures from the Reaper Bones III Kickstarter that I painted was the Deadlands Noir Femme Fatale. I was pleased with the fact that the eyes are visible… I’ve started a new strategy, painting on the iris after using the DIP method so that I can wipe away mistakes and start over without…

Red Mantis Assassin

During my long stretch of radio silence here I received my  rewards from the Reaper Bones III Kickstarter. I still have many miniatures from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter to paint but that didn’t stop me from backing number III (or number IV even). The Red Mantic Assassin was one of the miniatures that I…

Rosie, Chronotechnician

Rosie the Chronotechnician was another miniature from original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. This one wasn’t as emaciated as Sarah Blizter but still fell into #GiveThatMiniASandwich territory.

Los Viejos

Over the summer I picked up a set of Khurasan Miniatures‘ Los Viejos… These wonderful anthropomorphic armadillos will make a great addition to my upcoming Starfinder campaign. I’m thinking that I’ll open them up to players as a subrace of Ysoki. These are great sculpts with a lot of potential so I might pick up more down…

Relic Knight Sophia Drake with Female Dress Cap Head

On Black Friday a year ago I was excited to snatch up the Relic Knight Sophia Drake model at a steep discount! Sadly, the quality of the miniature really let me down… The plastic was unyielding and misfit. The weapon and head were smashed. I had similar disappointment with the Sedition Wars miniatures which were…

Enforcer with Machine Gun and Backpack

I finished up another Enforcer for use as an Android in my upcoming Starfinder one off. This one carries a Machine Gun and is painted Orange and White. It also wears a backpack that stand in for a jet pack, battery pack, shield generator, or other equipment.

Reaper Gray Aliens

Well, it’s been awhile. To be honest I got far more into Fire Emblem Heroes than I anticipated but that was largely a “time of life” thing. I just had my second child and my first is only three – so it was hard to find time for intensive hobbies there for awhile. But things…

Enforcer with Flame Thrower

I’ve got a couple dozen miniatures in the pipeline – Reaper Bones’ Gray Aliens – but for now I just quickly finished painting an Enforcer that I started a long time ago.

Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Commander with Alien Head, Take Two

This is the first miniature that I’ve finished since January. I started work on several but, in general, I’ve been distracted. First by Fire Emblem, then The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, then Sentinels of the Multiverse, and finally in wrapping up my Broken Covenant Pathfinder campaign. So back in November, I picked up two packs…

Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Medic with Alien Head, Take Two

I picked up two packs of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad for $4 from Asmodee’s 2016 Black Friday Sale. The alien head is from Hasslefree miniatures. I played it safe with the first pack, only switching out the heads, but I want some variety in the alien race I’m creating with them…definitely more than just a simple “palette…