Kneadatite, also known as Green Stuff, is an epoxy putty that’s used not only to make changes to miniatures but to sculpt miniatures. I did a few conversions without it, relying on plastic putty from the hardware store, but while it secured well it was not easy to sculpt. For my first use of Kneadatite…
Category: Miniatures
All about buying, customizing, and painting miniatures.
Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper
One of my first thoughts when I sat down to paint this miniature was, “Somebody give that girl a sandwich.” Fortunately, I had just gotten in my first batch of Kneadatite and decided to #GiveThatMiniASandwich. Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper is a miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I continued practicing the techniques shared in…
Rex, Dark Future Hero
I continued practicing painting eyes with Rex, Dark Future Hero. Before I go on I want to point out the difference in detailing between the Bones version of Rex and the pewter version of Rex. I thought Rex looked a bit like Arnold as the Terminator but after seeing the pewter it looks like the…
Enforcer with Power Axe
I decided to practice conversions on an Enforcer by giving it a shield and axe. The shield was from some leftover Tau shield drone bits I picked up and the Power Axe was from Hasslefree Miniature’s Sci-Fi conversion pack. I tried to give this one more of a camouflage paint job and mixed things up to make it…
Black Friday/Cyber Monday 2016
I ordered the following between Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2016. Some of them were good deals, others were small discounts on things I was planning to buy anyway, and there was one in particular that probably wasn’t much of a deal at all. Still, it diversified my stock of miniatures a bit by adding some from…
Andre Durant
I decided it was finally time to rally my courage and start practicing on painting eyes. First, I watched Dr. Faust’s How to Paint Miniature Eyes on youtube and then I started painting eyes on half a dozen miniatures. So far I’ve only finished Andre Durant but you can expect more miniatures with painted eyes to come. I plan…
Hasslefree Miniatures‘ Widow reminds me of Samatha Carter from Star Gate SG1. She’s dressed for adventure, is well armed, and has the tech angle covered. Ideally, I should have painted eyes on this miniature but fortunately the sculpt is such that that detail is obscured. I was very pleased with how this paint job turned out and am looking forward…
Hasslefree Miniatures’ Brooke miniature reminds me of River Tam from Firefly/Serenity. She looks ready to leap into action and kick some butt. I was pleased with how this paint job turned out but it was clear that I really should have painted the eyes. I have to get over my hesitation to even try. I’m also not happy with…
Enforcer with Large Biosword
I plan to use the Enforcers from Mantic Entertainment’s Deadzone wargame as miniatures for playable androids in my upcoming Science Fantasy game. I decided to make the next Enforcer a tribute to one of the mechanical characters from Phantasy Star Online. Can you guess which HUcast inspired this? Adding the biosword was the first major modification that I made to a…
X Clone Enforcer
I’m a big Megaman fan so, of course, I had to make one of the Enforcer miniatures that I’m working on into a tribute. I gave this one a pistol, a pouch, and the “Super Arm“. Again, like with the previous Enforcer which I did at the same time, I was surprised and disappointed by how…