The end had come. You faced a lonely, certain death. No matter the circumstances there was no hope left for you. Death was a matter of when, not if. And then you heard the song in your mind. Instinctively you knew that the song was an invitation, an invitation to continue living. It was not…
Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box with Kids: Sessions 5 & 6
The further adventures of Luna, Meowmena, and Khaltooie in which they reach the finale of the Beginner Box. Last time we ended with a ranged standoff that was slowly whittling both sides down in a battle of attrition. Recognizing that they were not going to win the day, at least not then, the group decided…
Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box with Kids: Sessions 3 & 4
The further adventures of Luna, Meowmena, and Khaltooie. Last time we ended things with a cliffhanger. Our heroes had come into a new chamber and found a bunch of mischievous Kobolds who were so engaged in trying to breaking and entering that they didn’t notice the newcomers. 5 year old and 8 year old were…
Humble Bundle: Maps Spectacular Software
Humble Bundle is running a fantastic Maps Spectacular Software Bundle featuring fantasy cartography software from Pro Fantasy. There have some great options for local maps but, for virtual tabletop, I find it’s easier to just build them directly in Fantasy Grounds Unity. The real seller here for me are the regional and global mapping tools….
Science Fantasy Setting – Here we go at last!
As I’ve referenced many times before, I’ve been slowly pulling together a science fantasy roleplaying setting for well over a decade now. Originally it was a Phantasy Star rules conversion for Pathfinder First Edition but I shifted it to a custom setting after the release of Starfinder. The implosion of the Starfinder Psionics Guide kickstarter…
Pathfinder 2e Beginner Box with Kids: Sessions 1 & 2
It’s been three long years since I wrapped up my last in-person tabletop roleplay, put my miniatures into storage, and moved to another country. I did get some virtual tabletop and play-by-post in during that time, but for the most part there was very little roleplaying going on for me. This summer we were able…
Controversial Opinion: Rules Light vs Rules Heavy
On one end of the spectrum we have freeform roleplaying and the other end of the spectrum we have GURPS. I’ve roleplayed with both and many other systems in between. Based on that experience I want to push back against a recent trend that portrays rules heavy systems as innately negative. Some people have claimed…
This place is certainly quieter than it was in the heyday of my miniature painting. It’s a hobby that I miss and hope to get back to one day. But that’s not likely to happen for years. In the interim, I revisited an older hobby of mine – drawing – and was pleasantly surprised to…
Chrono Tactics
I wanted to share a project that I’ve been working on recently. It’s a play by post tactical roleplaying system designed to support Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross style games. Play by post has a very different cadence to it than tabletop, virtual tabletop, or chat based roleplaying. I’ve been in play by post battles…
Mapmaking in Fantasy Grounds Unity
In addition to The Absalom Initiation, I’m running a second group through a test run of Pathfinder Second Edition and Fantasy Grounds Unity using the Fall of Plaguestone published adventure. We had our Session Zero on Saturday and, as they finished up characters, I quickly put together a map for them to practice the basics…