I took my next big plunge in modifying the Mechanic from Dust Tactics’ Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad with Hasslefree Miniature’s Alien Heads to make my first Oogappel alien. This is one of the custom races in my upcoming Science Fantasy campaign. I got two of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad pack for $4 from Asmodee in a…
Author: Kaihaku
Dragonman Warrior
I did a very quick paint job on Reaper Bones’ Dragonman Warrior. I’m planning to give it to one of my younger brothers, who loves playing aggressive draconian types, but I needed to get it into the mail! So I knocked this out in two hours and I kind of wish that I’d given it more time…especially…
Miniatures are a useful hobby
Every young child seems to have one favorite security item. For some children it’s a blanket, for others it’s a stuffed animal, and for my daughter it’s a very old wooden bus. This bus has been handed down through at least two generations and it didn’t take well to the rough treatment it received at…
Plague 1st Generation
Most of the evils in my upcoming Science Fantasy game are beyond the players’ ability to confront directly. I want to have some manifestation or avatar for those evils that the players can be threatened by directly. When I saw Mantic Entertainment’s Plague 1st Gen miniature my thoughts went immediately to Phantasy Star’s Dark Force. In particular, the…
Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster
I kept on seeing Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster listed as an inexpensive source of great science fiction miniatures. This got my interest and after looking into it, I decided that this would be the primary source of technologically equipped human miniatures for my upcoming Science Fantasy game. I found a used copy for sale on ebay and decided…
Kneadatite, also known as Green Stuff, is an epoxy putty that’s used not only to make changes to miniatures but to sculpt miniatures. I did a few conversions without it, relying on plastic putty from the hardware store, but while it secured well it was not easy to sculpt. For my first use of Kneadatite…
Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper
One of my first thoughts when I sat down to paint this miniature was, “Somebody give that girl a sandwich.” Fortunately, I had just gotten in my first batch of Kneadatite and decided to #GiveThatMiniASandwich. Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper is a miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I continued practicing the techniques shared in…
Rex, Dark Future Hero
I continued practicing painting eyes with Rex, Dark Future Hero. Before I go on I want to point out the difference in detailing between the Bones version of Rex and the pewter version of Rex. I thought Rex looked a bit like Arnold as the Terminator but after seeing the pewter it looks like the…
Enforcer with Power Axe
I decided to practice conversions on an Enforcer by giving it a shield and axe. The shield was from some leftover Tau shield drone bits I picked up and the Power Axe was from Hasslefree Miniature’s Sci-Fi conversion pack. I tried to give this one more of a camouflage paint job and mixed things up to make it…
Black Friday/Cyber Monday 2016
I ordered the following between Black Friday and Cyber Monday in 2016. Some of them were good deals, others were small discounts on things I was planning to buy anyway, and there was one in particular that probably wasn’t much of a deal at all. Still, it diversified my stock of miniatures a bit by adding some from…