Enforcer Peacekeeper, Freedom RAcast

First painted miniature of 2017. I’ve done a lot of conversion work so far this year but, for whatever reason, haven’t gotten to painting until now. I decided to start off with a late Christmas Present to one of my friends, converting and painting an Enforcer Peacekeeper to roughly resemble his RAcast from Phantasy Star Online. I added…

My Miniatures lose their Luster

I’ve been nervous about applying a spray on matte finish onto my painted and very glossy miniatures. There are plenty of pros – the detailing stands out more, it doubles up on the durability of the paintjob, and the miniatures don’t look like they’re covered in slime. But after my bad experience with spray on primer…

Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Mechanic with Alien Head, Take Two

I picked up two packs of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad for $4 from Asmodee’s 2016 Black Friday Sale. I played it safe with the first pack, only switching out the heads, but I want some variety in the alien race I’m creating with them so I swapped out the default equipment. I decided to go with…

Miniature Giant

I was admiring the Great Worm over at the Dragon Scales blog when I noticed this blurp at the bottom of the post, “Mini and Paints available at Miniature-Giant. Be sure to register with komoda as your ‘Referring Member’ for 5% off for you and me.” So, of course, I gave it a try. I have…

Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Medic with Alien Head

For my third Oogappel alien I modified the Medic from Dust Tactics’ Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad with one of Hasslefree Miniature’s Alien Heads. This finished up the squad but, fortunately, I have another from Asmodee’s excellent Black Friday sale. I went with the stock set-up for this batch, aside from the head of course, but I’m…

Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Commander with Alien Head

For my second Oogappel alien I modified the Commander from Dust Tactics’ Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad with one of Hasslefree Miniature’s Alien Heads. I got a new shade of red for this one and I was pleased with how it turned out. Otherwise, I thought that the finished product got the job done but continued to be frustrated by…

Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Mechanic with Alien Head

I took my next big plunge in modifying the Mechanic from Dust Tactics’ Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad with Hasslefree Miniature’s Alien Heads to make my first Oogappel alien. This is one of the custom races in my upcoming Science Fantasy campaign. I got two of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad pack for $4 from Asmodee in a…

Dragonman Warrior

I did a very quick paint job on Reaper Bones’ Dragonman Warrior. I’m planning to give it to one of my younger brothers, who loves playing aggressive draconian types, but I needed to get it into the mail! So I knocked this out in two hours and I kind of wish that I’d given it more time…especially…

Plague 1st Generation

Most of the evils in my upcoming Science Fantasy game are beyond the players’ ability to confront directly. I want to have some manifestation or avatar for those evils that the players can be threatened by directly. When I saw Mantic Entertainment’s Plague 1st Gen miniature my thoughts went immediately to Phantasy Star’s Dark Force. In particular, the…

Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster

I kept on seeing Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster listed as an inexpensive source of great science fiction miniatures. This got my interest and after looking into it, I decided that this would be the primary source of technologically equipped human miniatures for my upcoming Science Fantasy game. I found a used copy for sale on ebay and decided…