Nova Corp: Soldier

Another miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter, I started off painting just one so that it could serve as a guide for uniformly painting the remaining Nova Corp miniatures. I plan to use the set, once complete, as generic SciFi soldiers for whatever scenario comes up. I like that the Nova Corp miniatures are…

Deadlands Noir: Femme Fatale

One of the first miniatures from the Reaper Bones III Kickstarter that I painted was the Deadlands Noir Femme Fatale. I was pleased with the fact that the eyes are visible… I’ve started a new strategy, painting on the iris after using the DIP method so that I can wipe away mistakes and start over without…

Red Mantis Assassin

During my long stretch of radio silence here I received my  rewards from the Reaper Bones III Kickstarter. I still have many miniatures from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter to paint but that didn’t stop me from backing number III (or number IV even). The Red Mantic Assassin was one of the miniatures that I…

Rosie, Chronotechnician

Rosie the Chronotechnician was another miniature from original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. This one wasn’t as emaciated as Sarah Blizter but still fell into #GiveThatMiniASandwich territory.

Reaper Gray Aliens

Well, it’s been awhile. To be honest I got far more into Fire Emblem Heroes than I anticipated but that was largely a “time of life” thing. I just had my second child and my first is only three – so it was hard to find time for intensive hobbies there for awhile. But things…

Dragonman Warrior

I did a very quick paint job on Reaper Bones’ Dragonman Warrior. I’m planning to give it to one of my younger brothers, who loves playing aggressive draconian types, but I needed to get it into the mail! So I knocked this out in two hours and I kind of wish that I’d given it more time…especially…


Kneadatite, also known as Green Stuff, is an epoxy putty that’s used not only to make changes to miniatures but to sculpt miniatures. I did a few conversions without it, relying on plastic putty from the hardware store, but while it secured well it was not easy to sculpt. For my first use of Kneadatite…

Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper

One of my first thoughts when I sat down to paint this miniature was, “Somebody give that girl a sandwich.” Fortunately, I had just gotten in my first batch of Kneadatite and decided to #GiveThatMiniASandwich. Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper is a miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I continued practicing the techniques shared in…

Rex, Dark Future Hero

I continued practicing painting eyes with Rex, Dark Future Hero. Before I go on I want to point out the difference in detailing between the Bones version of Rex and the pewter version of Rex. I thought Rex looked a bit like Arnold as the Terminator but after seeing the pewter it looks like the…

Andre Durant

I decided it was finally time to rally my courage and start practicing on painting eyes. First, I watched Dr. Faust’s How to Paint Miniature Eyes on youtube and then I started painting eyes on half a dozen miniatures. So far I’ve only finished Andre Durant but you can expect more miniatures with painted eyes to come. I plan…