I picked up two packs of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad for $4 from Asmodee’s 2016 Black Friday Sale. The alien head is from Hasslefree miniatures. I played it safe with the first pack, only switching out the heads, but I want some variety in the alien race I’m creating with them…definitely more than just a simple “palette…
Tag: Conversion
Enforcer Peacekeeper, Freedom RAcast
First painted miniature of 2017. I’ve done a lot of conversion work so far this year but, for whatever reason, haven’t gotten to painting until now. I decided to start off with a late Christmas Present to one of my friends, converting and painting an Enforcer Peacekeeper to roughly resemble his RAcast from Phantasy Star Online. I added…
Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Mechanic with Alien Head, Take Two
I picked up two packs of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad for $4 from Asmodee’s 2016 Black Friday Sale. I played it safe with the first pack, only switching out the heads, but I want some variety in the alien race I’m creating with them so I swapped out the default equipment. I decided to go with…
Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Commander with Alien Head
For my second Oogappel alien I modified the Commander from Dust Tactics’ Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad with one of Hasslefree Miniature’s Alien Heads. I got a new shade of red for this one and I was pleased with how it turned out. Otherwise, I thought that the finished product got the job done but continued to be frustrated by…
Corps Officer Heavy Rangers Squad Mechanic with Alien Head
I took my next big plunge in modifying the Mechanic from Dust Tactics’ Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad with Hasslefree Miniature’s Alien Heads to make my first Oogappel alien. This is one of the custom races in my upcoming Science Fantasy campaign. I got two of the Corp Officers Heavy Rangers Squad pack for $4 from Asmodee in a…
Plague 1st Generation
Most of the evils in my upcoming Science Fantasy game are beyond the players’ ability to confront directly. I want to have some manifestation or avatar for those evils that the players can be threatened by directly. When I saw Mantic Entertainment’s Plague 1st Gen miniature my thoughts went immediately to Phantasy Star’s Dark Force. In particular, the…
Kneadatite, also known as Green Stuff, is an epoxy putty that’s used not only to make changes to miniatures but to sculpt miniatures. I did a few conversions without it, relying on plastic putty from the hardware store, but while it secured well it was not easy to sculpt. For my first use of Kneadatite…
Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper
One of my first thoughts when I sat down to paint this miniature was, “Somebody give that girl a sandwich.” Fortunately, I had just gotten in my first batch of Kneadatite and decided to #GiveThatMiniASandwich. Sarah Blitzer, IMEF Sniper is a miniature from the original Reaper Bones Kickstarter. I continued practicing the techniques shared in…
Enforcer with Power Axe
I decided to practice conversions on an Enforcer by giving it a shield and axe. The shield was from some leftover Tau shield drone bits I picked up and the Power Axe was from Hasslefree Miniature’s Sci-Fi conversion pack. I tried to give this one more of a camouflage paint job and mixed things up to make it…
Enforcer with Large Biosword
I plan to use the Enforcers from Mantic Entertainment’s Deadzone wargame as miniatures for playable androids in my upcoming Science Fantasy game. I decided to make the next Enforcer a tribute to one of the mechanical characters from Phantasy Star Online. Can you guess which HUcast inspired this? Adding the biosword was the first major modification that I made to a…