Bullet Weapons
.50 MG (Small/Medium Torso, Arm): Small, cheap weapon suitable for killing infantry and destroying light vehicles, not suitable for fighting Walkers.
Firepower Rating: 0.5
Range: Short
Machine Gun (Hand): Designed for use against lighter Walkers in short range combat, this weapon is a popular choice in many Walker units. Due to the high rate of fire, it is effective against fast moving targets.
Firepower Rating: 2
Range: Short
Assault Rifle (Hand): Fires 3-round bursts with excellent accuracy, allowing it to be useful in a variety of situations.
Firepower Rating: 2
Range: Short-Medium
Gatling Cannon (Medium Torso, Arm): Capable of extremely high firing rates and powerful projectiles, the Gatling is suitable for use against a wide variety of targets.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Short-Medium
Sniper Rifle (Hand): Long barreled rifle geared for long range combat. High armor piercing ability.
Firepower Rating: 1
Range: Long-Extreme
Shotgun (Hand): An old idea finally adapted to Walker technology. Excellent close range firepower, but lacks armor penetration. The wide spread of projectiles makes it easier to hit the target. ((Lowered Critical Hit Chance, reduced damage penalty for near misses))
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Short
Cannon Weapons
Autocannon (Medium/Large Shoulder): While having a slower rate of fire than a Machine Gun or Gatling Cannon, each shot is a great deal more powerful. However, it does require that the Walker has a certain degree of stability to handle the recoil.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Medium
Small Cannon (Medium/Large Shoulder): As the first model of cannon adopted for Walker use, it naturally is inferior in most respects to later models. However, it is the cheapest cannon type available.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Medium-Long
Medium Cannon (Medium/Large Shoulder): A powerful weapon useful against any armored target.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Medium-Long
Large Cannon (Large Shoulder, 8 shots): One of the most powerful weapons commonly available, however it suffers from a limited amount of ammo.
Firepower Rating: 5
Range: Medium-Long
Burst-Cannon (Large Shoulder, 8 bursts): UEG special weapon that fires 3 specially-sized cannon shells with each pull of the trigger, resulting in higher overall damage.
Firepower Rating: 10
Range: Medium-Long
Bazooka (Hand, 4 shots): A powerful hand-held weapon with firepower equal to a Medium Cannon. However, since it can’t make use of a Walker’s internal ammo bins, it has very few shots.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Medium
Sniper Cannon (Shoulder): A powerful, long-barreled weapon capable of striking enemies at extreme ranges. However, the fact that it’s bulk makes it difficult to move around makes it useless at closer ranges. Can only be mounted on Sniper Walkers.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Extreme
Grenade Launcher (Hand): An Agni-produced weapon with excellent range at the cost of overall firepower. However, it is capable of indirect fire support given the proper guidance.
Firepower Rating: 2
Range: Medium-Long (AAS guided shots limited to Medium range)
Rocket/Missile Weapons
Small Rocket Pod (Small/Medium Torso, Arm): Fires 2 dumb-fired rockets for respectable damage.
Firepower Rating: 2
Range: Short-Medium
Medium Rocket Pod (Medium Torso, Arm): Fires 3 rockets for high damage.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Short-Medium
Large Rocket Pod (Medium/Large Shoulder, 6 volleys): Fires 4 rockets for excellent damage.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Short-Medium
Micro Missile Launcher (Small Torso): Fires a single homing missile. Produced by Agni Industries.
Firepower Rating: 1
Range: Medium-Long
Small Missile Launcher (Medium Torso, Arm): Fires 2 guided missiles.
Firepower Rating: 2
Range: Medium-Long
Medium Missile Launcher (Medium/Large Shoulder): Fires 3 guided missiles.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Medium-Long
Large Missile Launcher (Large Shoulder, 6 volleys): Fires 4 guided missiles.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Medium-Long
Medium Vertical Missile Launcher (Medium/Large Shoulder): Fires 3 guided missiles into the air where they then dive down upon an enemy. Great for areas that provide lots of cover such as hilly terrain or towns. However, has issues at shorter ranges.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Long
Large Vertical Missile Launcher (Large Shoulder, 6 volleys): Fires 4 guided missiles into the air before raining down upon the enemy.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Long
Laser Rifle (Hand): An accurate, powerful multi-ranged weapon.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Short-Long
Small Laser (Small/Medium Torso, Arm): Support weapon designed for use against vehicles and light Walkers.
Firepower Rating: 1
Range: Short-Medium
Medium Laser (Medium Torso, Arm): Good overall secondary weapon system.
Firepower Rating: 3
Range: Short-Medium
Extended Range Laser (Medium Torso, Arm): Modified Medium Laser that sacrifices damage for range.
Firepower Rating: 2
Range: Short-Long
Small Plasma Cannon (Medium/Large Shoulder): Powerful energy weapon that fills the same role as a standard cannon.
Firepower Rating: 4
Range: Medium-Long
Medium Plasma Cannon (Medium/Large Shoulder): Like with the regular cannons, this model is better in almost every way over its smaller cousin.
Firepower Rating: 5
Range: Medium-Long
Large Plasma Cannon (Large Shoulder): Extremely powerful, but has a slow rater of fire (One shot every two turns).
Firepower Rating: 6
Range: Medium-Long
Energy Sniper Cannon (Shoulder): More powerful than standard Sniper Cannons, but the bright beam gives away the sniper’s location upon the first shot.
Firepower Rating: 5
Range: Extreme
Side Boosters (Small Internal): Small boosters that stick out from the Walker’s side, allowing for small bursts of side to side movement and thus adding to its ability to dodge attacks. The heavier the Walker, the smaller the evasive boost.
Forward Boosters (Small Internal): Small boosters that gives a Walker a short burst of forward momentum, useful when fleeing or closing in on an enemy. Effectively increases movement speed by 20MPH, but does not help to evade attacks. Heavier designs get less benefit from this.
Fusion Reactor (Large Internal): Installing this into a Walker will allow the use of energy weapons and booster modules. However, if the reactor is damaged there is a chance it will explode, vaporizing the Walker.
Power Amp (Small Internal): Increases the power of Plasma Cannons. (Plasma Cannons get FR boosted by 2)
Other Equipment
Parry Blade (Hand (and Arm if there is one): A gauntlet covers the Walker’s hand and part of its arm. On the outside of this gauntlet is a large metal spike, and when the Walker punches an enemy explosive charges propel the spike into the target. Extremely powerful weapon, but also the only melee weapon.
Firepower Rating: 10
Range: Melee
Anti-Missile System (Small/Medium Torso): Small gatling-style device that attempts to shoot down missiles coming to the Walker’s front.
Anti-Missile System MK2 (Medium Torso): More advanced anti-missile system that spits out clouds of small metal projectiles at incoming missiles in a shotgun-style effect.
External Radar (Medium/Large Shoulder): Enhances a Walker’s ability to find hidden enemies and can cut past basic ECM. Also needed in some missions to scan objectives. Walker’s equipped with this are able to get target locks more quickly.
Japanese Radar (Medium/Large Shoulder): Enhances a Walker’s ability to find hidden enemies and allows the entire group to cut through basic ECM. Walker mounting this radar can also partially bypass JECM (can detect JECM units, and the equipped unit only suffers partial accuracy penalty). Required for some objectives. Boosts targeting abilities of the entire group.
Missile Fire Control System (Internal Small): Increases accuracy of missile weapons.
Artillery Aiming System (Internal Small): Allows a Walker to increase the accuracy of allied artillery strikes. Can also be used to direct Vertical Missiles from ally Walkers as indirect fire support.
ECM (Internal Small): Helps the Walker avoid detection from enemy sensors, thus also reducing their ability to target it with their weapons.
JECM (Japanese ECM, Internal Small): Renders the Walker virtually invisible to most sensors, making it extremely difficult to target, especially by missile systems.
HE Rockets: These rockets carry oversized warheads, but less fuel. Thus they deal twice the damage, but have half the range. ((Doubles Firepower of each equipped Rocket Pod, but reduces range to Short))
LR Rockets: Agni Industries put smaller warheads on these rockets to make room for larger fuel stores. ((Max range increased to Long, but damage reduced to half))
Aerodynamic Shells: Cannon shells that have less air resistance and are otherwise better able to hit what you aim at. However, they are less powerful. ((Damage cut in half, +10 accuracy boost))
External Magazine (Medium/Large Shoulder): This boxy apparatus stores additional ammo for weapons mounted on the Walker. ((Removes ammo limits for other weapons mounted on the Walker, Bazookas do not benefit as they use an internal magazine instead of pulling ammo from the Walker’s torso.))
Advanced Targeting System (Internal Small): Improves a Walker’s ability to land shots where they will do the most damage.
Sniper Targeting Computer (Internal Small): Increases accuracy of sniper weapons.
Improved Actuators: Newly developed arm actuators produced by Agni Industries are more responsive than the standard ones. This allows a Walker to be more accurate with their Arm mounted and Hand held weapons. The Improved Actuators can be removed if the owner wishes to use them in another machine.
Upgrade Kit: Newly developed technology that increases a Walker’s ability to bear weight. Results in either increased speed, armor, or stability. ((Can be used to increase either the speed, armor, or stability of the Walker by one grade. Only one can be applied to each Walker. Can not be removed.))